The Nutrition CEO Council is led by volunteers who care about ending the crisis of malnutrition in all its forms. Council leadership acts as a secretariat and guiding body, developing agendas and action plans that Council Members review and make decisions around.
Advocacy and Policy Priorities 2023
The Council’s focus is global nutrition. The Council’s objectives are:
- To inspire increased support for nutrition from U.S. political leadership through high-level engagement.
- To advance civil society advocacy, commitment, and support for nutrition as a foundational part of all development success.
The Council’s first priority is advocacy for increased funding and better policies for global nutrition. These include:
- Implement a coordinated multi-sectoral global nutrition initiative across the U.S. government that includes focus on health systems, food systems, climate, and innovation.
- Ensure USAID is fully staffed, especially the role of Chief Nutritionist, to guide USAID’s efforts and engagement with partners to address global malnutrition and to oversee implementation and coordination of USAID’s multi-sectoral nutrition programming.
- Create a new, high-level interagency position reporting to the USAID Administrator to oversee implementation and coordination.
- Mobilize additional resources in high-burden countries.
- Strengthen efforts to improve maternal and adolescent nutrition, including gender-specific and age-related nutrition needs of adolescent girls.
- Monitor implementation of the U.S. Global Nutrition Coordination Plan 2.0 and the Global Malnutrition Prevention and Treatment act.
- Strengthen U.S. leadership on global food systems that incorporate nutrition and gender transformative approaches.
We will also advocate for the U.S. to:
- Commit $300 million annually to support nutrition-specific programs deployed through the Global Health Programs Nutrition account.
- Commit $1.15 billion annually to the Global Health Programs Maternal and Child Health account that supports and strengthens the health systems that deliver nutrition programs.
- Commit at least $1.2 billion annually to Feed the Future, which invests in countries around the world to help ensure families have access to safe, affordable, and nourishing diets.
- Commit to increased transparency around nutrition funding.
- Strengthen and coordinate systems that are critical for improving nutritional status, such as health care, agriculture, and food systems.